Wednesday, February 18, 2015

7 Ways To Stop Procrastination

I work with a group of intellectuals. They are very talented, committed and passionate about everything they do. The group is involved in providing solution to problems that exist within their sphere.  It is a volunteering group and we are happy contributing to community and human developments in our own little ways. As a matter of fact, the group rocks my world.

We called for an online meeting using the whatsapp platform 10 days ago. We had brilliant session with excellent ideas about an event coming up sometime April, 2015.

We agreed to invite notable personality to address young people. We did our SWOT analysis and came up with technical committee for content development. We agreed to provide all our deliverables by the third day after the meeting. Mine responsibility was to come up with the Project Model Canvas (PMC) for the event. It was to be delivered by Monday so as to enable the team come up with tactical actions. We rounded off at about 11:45 pm. It was on a Sunday night.

I arrived home by 9: 30 pm on Monday, I opened my laptop and developed the (PMC).I finished by 12:45 am and sent it to the group via mail so that they can start work immediately. I was very tired when I woke up in the morning. I followed up with messages and calls to avoid lapses.

I was eager to get the report of the technical committee so as to enable me take next line of action. I did not get any information from the team for over ten days. I did situation analysis and I was able to find out that the delay was due to procrastination.I decided to take drastic step to prevent viral spread of this collosal disease called Procrastination.
Procrastination may shatter good dreams and may affect the outcome of a task; we may not have enough time to perfect the pending tasks and other tasks would have added up. However, here are few ways to stop procrastination.

Write Everything Down
No matter how brilliant you are, you are likely to forget anything, important things while under pressure. Always endeavour to write down your To Dos in an agenda and set a deadline for them. You can write them in a small note and glue it to your laptop or computer. Go through them at a set interval. This will enable you identify your pending activities.

Get Your Priority Straight
Not all tasks are expedient. Also, some tasks are of high importance than the others. Adopt scale of preference to get your priority right. Attend to your activities on their level of importance and necessity.

Use a Count Down                         
Using a countdown will assist you stay focused and committed to implementation. It is usually good if you adopt days Countdown. Place it on the wall or board facing you directly. Remove the day tag at each passing day. It will help you keep track of events and inspire you to accomplish the task before the last day countdown.  

Use “To Do List” and Calendar on Your PC
Put the “to do list” and calendar on your Tablet, Mobile Phone and Laptop to good use. Input your activities and set a reminder.

Use a Base Camp
Basecamp is a web-based project-management tool developed by Basecamp and launched in 2004. A new version was launched in 2012 .Basecamp makes it easy for people in different roles with different responsibilities to communicate and work together. It is a place to share files, have discussions, collaborate on documents, assign tasks, and check due dates. Basecamp stores everything securely and can be accessed at anytime from anywhere.

Do It Now.
Do not put off the activity you can do now till next day. Do not wait till the last day of execution. Treat all activities as they come. If you put off a job now, you will discover that your activities will increase in geometric proportion. You become exhaustive and tired by the time you attend to them and this may actually affect your performance.  

Imbibe it as a Discipline
No matter the approach adopted to stop procrastination, what is most important is your attitude.  Make it a standard to do the right thing at the right time for the right purpose.

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